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Jul 22, 2024

A Look Back at Joby’s Impact in 2023

Claire BolandSustainability Lead, Joby Aviation

Jul 22, 2024 — At Joby, we are building the next era of aviation, bringing quiet, emissions-free flight to the world as quickly and broadly as we can. In 2023, we continued to make great strides towards that goal across certification, manufacturing, and preparing for commercial service.

Our sector-leading progress is underpinned by Joby’s unique position as a vertically-integrated aviation company, bringing together everything from aircraft design to manufacturing and operations under the same roof. That organizational philosophy also grants us the opportunity to instill high standards for quality, safety, sustainability, and social impact across all aspects of our business.

Last year, we continued to take steps to ensure those high standards translate into positive impacts on the communities we are a part of, both today and in the future. These steps are reflected in our 2023 Impact Report, the second such annual report Joby has published.

As our CEO and Founder, JoeBen Bevirt, wrote in 2021 and recently updated, Joby is committed to helping protect our precious planet by pulling forward the timeline for true zero-emissions solutions. Along the way, we intend to improve the lives of the people living on our planet – whether through the mobility options provided by our service or our commitment to ensuring a safe working environment for Joby employees.

Each year, we’ll transparently report on our company’s impact across Safety, Environment, and People and Community – all of which are underpinned by our commitment to responsible corporate governance and robust compliance procedures. Below we’ve captured some highlights and you can access the full 2023 Impact Report here.


  • Enterprise Safety Management System: We are actively developing and implementing an enterprise-wide safety management system (SMS) to ensure safety oversight and improvement in all areas in line with our type certification efforts.
  • Aircraft Design: The safety of our pilots, passengers and surrounding communities has been a guiding principle in the design and development of our aircraft from the very beginning. Compared to traditional single-propeller airplanes and helicopters, the Joby aircraft has greater redundancy across flight-critical systems to guard against failure.
  • Flight Operations: We had two flight operations safety programs accepted by standards-setting organizations: the International Business Aviation Council and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Voluntary Safety Management System (SMS) Program for Part 135 Air Carriers.
  • Team member safety: We conducted over 4,000 hours of team member training on key Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) principles.


  • GHG Inventory: We established our first global Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, allowing us to gain more insight into where we are today in terms of emissions and the places where we can work to improve.
  • Renewable Electricity: The majority of our GHG footprint comes from our electricity consumption.  To reduce our impact, we consumed 100% renewable electricity at our primary facilities in 2023. As we continue to expand our business, Joby is committed to using 100% renewable electricity for our primary facilities and at Joby-operated Skyports, where available.
  • Manufacturing and Battery Recycling: Joby recycled almost 60,000 pounds of manufacturing waste including our tested batteries. In partnership with Redwood Materials, we recycled 1,000 pounds of damaged or abused lithium batteries in 2023. We are already incorporating recycling into our processes before we scale, and by establishing this partnership now, we can ensure that both organizations grow together.
  • Infrastructure to Unlock Electric Aviation: We conducted the first-ever exhibition flights of an electric air taxi in New York City, showing local stakeholders what the future of transportation could look – and sound – like. NYC Mayor Eric Adams committed to electrifying the Downtown Manhattan Heliport, marking a major step towards creating an electric aviation network in a major global city.
  • Electric Aviation Charging System: We released to industry the specifications of the Global Electric Aviation Charging System (GEACS), which Joby developed to meet the unique needs of electric aircraft. By working towards broad industry adoption of GEACS, we aim to ensure the entire sector is able to operate safely and efficiently while maximizing the life of onboard batteries.


  • Apprenticeship Program: We hired 63 apprentices across 12 manufacturing specialties at our California manufacturing facilities, with 71% of our 2023 apprentices coming from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We added 300 team members in 2023 and our US-based new hires were our most diverse to date, with 55% of new hires from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds. To support our evolving talent pool, we established our first Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) – Women of Joby and Joby Pride – in order to drive equity, increase representation, and foster community and connection across the company.
  • Educating and Inspiring: Through our extensive outreach efforts in STEM and Career Technical Education programs, we engaged with more than 1,800 students to ensure that the next generation of engineers, operators, and technicians have access to career opportunities in aviation.
  • Recognition: We were identified by Newsweek as one of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity in 2023.

Transparently reporting Joby’s impact on the planet and our communities is a core part of our journey to build a next-generation aviation company. Each annual Impact Report reflects a deepening of our maturity of these topics and we will continue to hone our capabilities to measure that impact and find ways to reduce it. We are proud of the many steps forward we took in 2023 reflected in this year’s report.

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